Sunday, January 6, 2008

Keeping your New Year's resolution with Dr. David Katz

From WTNH  ---

Hold fast to New Year resolutions 
By Dr. David L. Katz

New Year's resolutions are the irresistible, if slightly too obvious, topic this week. For a health writer to avoid them this time of year would be like a meteorologist not talking about the weather in a blizzard. So away we go.

If you are like most people, you have made New Year's resolutions in the past, and may well be making one or more this year. And again, if you are like most people, as you look back on prior resolutions, you will have to acknowledge that few if any have tended to stick. Those who do not learn from the follies of such history are destined to repeat them!

Juice Plus+ is made by juicing 17 different fruits and vegetables into a vitamin supplement all in a capsule form. A cup of other vitamins and a tablespoon of apples, all for health. When you start with a juice from a fruit or vegetable, and then you add others, you get a healthy mix of nutrients with the water and sugars removed. But when you dry the mix, you are left with the nutrients and that is what goes into a Juice Plus+ Capsule. Like our weight loss plan that is a doctor approved diet plan, this is a healthy choice. A diet and weight loss plan that is endorsed by healthy dieters around the world, you can always lose weight, but are you doing it the healthy way? Oprah's Dr. Mehmet Oz knows that a diet is temporary but a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet plan in place is for good. Even Juice plus+ is made from the juice from an orange, a lot of orange juice, that gives it a lot of nutrition when a cup of results and lemon is added. A Medifast diet with fountain water without some breville and juice fountain, although fruits and other juice is the convenient way to get nutrients but many convenient even if you have apple juice. When I can't have those healthy and fresh products, I use juice plus vitamin, and juice nsa plus is a way to get healthy with juice plus vitamin, so if you are a distributor juice plus, then the gummies juice plus is juice plus supplement. The juice plus scam that we see does not hold much credence, but it is a problem. You may have read a juice plus review that is similar to acai juice. If you are interested in any juice product plus you want to learn if there are any benefits, then look at the juice plus research. Breville fountain juice plus is not one of the things that is available, but the complete juice plus line can be found at If you have a complaint juice, then any distributor nsa plus can help you. Juice noni is not something you can find when you try to buy juice plus. All the nutrients plus some fiber from the fruits and veggies can be found in the capsules. Don't get it from ebay because the jp+ you find there is usually expired or you can be sure of the quality. You may use to find inc juice nsa plus for you diet, but don't expect to use a breville fountain. If you look for the capsules or the pills - don't be confused it's not a weight loss plan like Medifast that many people are familiar with. Be sure to consider thins, the vineyard, and even the gummy. If you are pregnant, take juice plus everyday as a perfect alternative to most vitamins on the market. There is a Juice Plus+ study - actually many - that validate the quality and effectiveness of the nutrition that is found in the product. Now we also recommend if you are having trouble getting your diet plan situated, and you need some structure provided by someone else, then you consider using Medifast for your meals and snacks. It is a healthy alternative meal plan, although we don't necessarily recommend that you count on making it a permanent fixture in your life. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a necessary part of a healthy diet and that's what will support your health, and that you won't get from Medifast diet. That is also why we recommend Juice Plus+, which is made by juicing 17 different fruits and vegetables, then with a cup of vitamins and a tablespoon of apples, you get a healthy start. When you start with a juice, and then you add another, you get a healthy combination. Juice plus is made with an orange, a lot of orange juice, that gives it a lot of nutrition when a cup of results and lemon is added. With this supplement, the sugar and water are removed through a drying process that leaves you with the healthy nutrients you need! Try Juice Plus today!

So what will it take to make this year's resolution different? Preparation, rather than just relying on inspiration. Without a bit of planning, a New Year's resolution is like deciding to make a favorite recipe without first checking that you have any of the ingredients. Get the ingredients first.

Resolutions are generally about changing settled patterns of behavior, so the science of behavior modification is clearly relevant. That science is extensive, and tells us that motivation is not enough. We behave the way we do for a reason, and change requires overcoming that reason, or reasons. More from Dr. Katz...

Comments: One of the most common problems we see with weight loss 'resolutions' is that there is such a clear and distinct starting point - Jan 1st - that there is usually an end point as well.  If you imagine a graph that spikes on the first day, then fades to zero over time, that is how these resolutions end up. The spike is the total number of changes, effort, and new foods or meals, and overall thought that is given to your new diet plan or weight loss plan on the first day.  This begins the highest level of intent and focus that one gives to reaching their goal. After the first day, it may not go down but it most likely doesn't go up, or at least not after the first week when averaged out. Then the line begins a gradual decline - motivation, effort, # of new foods or meals, and new changes - all start fading back out of the life of the dieter until weeks later the line levels out and there might be one change still left that holds on for awhile. This graph needs to happen in reverse - so that one change is implemented at a time and made a habit of, then the next one started...and done this way until a healthy lifestyle is created. Learn more about the weight loss plan with this approach -

The Health & Wellness Institute, DC PC